Work with Rubicon Carbon to Catalyze Climate Impact

Projects Rubicon Carbon Invests In

Nature Based
Carbon Credits

Super pollutant


Some of the benefits of working with Rubicon Carbon are:

Delta Blue’s Mangrove Restoration Project


Some of our Project Developer Partners Include:

Rubicon Carbon employs a proprietary framework to evaluate  credits to be included in our Rubicon Carbon Tonnes. We evaluate each project’s:

Climate Impact

How well does the project deliver on its climate benefit?


How well is the project designed, implemented, and managed?


How long will a project hold carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?


Will the climate impact likely happen without the additional carbon financing?

Future Delivery Risk

Are external factors likely to prevent the project from achieving its intended climate impact?

To have a better understanding of what we look for and how we work with project developers, we encourage you to take a look at the following articles from our blog: