Supporting companies and their employees to make a lasting impact on the world

Greenr, a Sustainability as a Service platform, empowers businesses to measure, understand and take action on their carbon footprint through their Greenr Employee Engagement App. Within the app, Greenr offers solutions that drive employee engagement, aligning their company’s Net Zero commitments. One of the solutions Greenr sought to provide was high quality carbon offsets/removal. By partnering with Rubicon Carbon, Greer is able to provide in-app access to carbon offsets/removals that have undergone Rubicon Carbon’s rigorous due diligence and are part of an actively managed, risk adjusted portfolio. With Rubicon Carbon’s trusted and accessible carbon solutions, employees can see the results of their impact and are empowered to make a difference. Together, the Greenr / Rubicon Carbon partnership supports enterprises in cultivating a sustainable culture and fostering employee involvement that leaves a positive and lasting impact on our world.
We’re thrilled to partner with Rubicon Carbon, elevating our employee engagement program with top-quality, scientifically sound carbon offsets/removals. Greenr, Rubicon Carbon, our clients and their employees are making a lasting and impactful change together.”

Gabrielle Bourret-Sicotte, CEO, Greenr

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